
In The Presence Of The Lord

In The Presence Of The Lord

• Describe a time when you felt God’s presence in your life.

• What does it mean to humble yourself?

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:10

God tells us in Psalm 46:10 to “Be still, and know that I am God.” Have you ever sat quietly and just let God be God? Have you ever paused, even in the midst of a busy day and just spent a moment with him? Have you ever tried to feel his presence, listen to his voice and open your heart and mind to him? When you do this, it is easy to be humble. When you look for God, it becomes easy to see how small you are.

If we don’t spend this time before the Lord, it is easy to become prideful instead of humble. If we stay busy, always thinking about “me, me, me,” and how we can make our lives better, we don’t let God in. We forget who God is.

James tells us in this verse to humble ourselves before the Lord. This is not just a suggestion—it is a command. We need to take the time to recognize who God is, so we can better understand who we are in him. We are to come before him as humble servants, so that he can save us, use us and lift us up.

Dear God, help us to come before you humbly. Remind us that you are God, and help us make room for your awesomeness in our lives. Amen.


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