


• How is repentance different from an apology?

• Why is baptism associated with repentance?

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 2:38

The word “repent” (or some form of it) is used over 100 times in the Bible. It’s also used a lot in sermons and on cardboard signs people make when they think the end of the world is coming. There’s a reason it’s so prevalent. Repentance is the foundation of our faith.

Repentance is still a confusing concept for a lot of people however. For example, repenting is not the same as simply saying, “I’m sorry.” It’s much more involved than that. Repentance is a four-part process. First, we need to recognize that we have sinned. Second, we need to recognize the damage our sin has caused, especially in our relationship with God. Third, we need to ask God’s forgiveness for our sin. Fourth, we need to turn away from sin and start following God.

Once we’ve repented, the Holy Spirit can begin his work in our lives by guiding us toward God-honoring choices. We make the decision to turn away from sin to follow God, but it’s the Holy Spirit who shows us how.

Dear God, we know we have sinned and don’t deserve your salvation. But you give it when we repent. Guide us as we tell others about the importance of repentance. Amen.


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