
The Good They Ought To Do

The Good They Ought To Do

• Share a time when you helped someone out.

• How do you know what “good works” God wants you to do?

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.
James 4:17

You’re riding your bike down the street. You see an older woman, someone you know from church. She is carrying a large grocery bag and is just about to cross the street. As you ride by, the bottom of her bag tears and her groceries fall onto the ground, with some of them rolling into the street.

You know that you should stop and help her, but you’ve got somewhere to go and don’t want to stop, so you ride on by. Since she didn’t see you, can’t you get away without helping?

As Christians, we know what is right, and because of this knowledge, we will be held to a higher standard. Sometimes, we don’t sin by doing but by not doing.

We should always be on the lookout for the work that God wants us to do. We need to be open to, and obedient to, the voice of the Holy Spirit as he leads us.

Dear God, please help us to be obedient in action as well as knowledge. Please help us to know what we should do, and help us to do it. Amen.


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