
A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand

• If you’ve ever been a new kid at school, who reached out to you? What did that mean to you?

• What might keep some kids from reaching out to others?

Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

There’s one thing everyone takes to school that can’t be carried in backpacks. Galatians 6:2 calls them “burdens.” We call them problems, issues, weaknesses or fears. Some people carry more than others, but we all have them. And they can make school a miserable place to be.

That’s why God calls those of us who follow him to help lighten other people’s loads. If we want to honor him, we can reach out to people who are struggling. We can do something about the needs we see.

New kids need someone to show them the ropes. Bullied kids need someone to stand up for them. Shy kids need someone to bring them out of their shells. Ignored kids need someone to notice them. Lonely kids need someone to include them. Hurting kids need someone to listen to them. Younger kids need someone to ease their fears. Older kids need someone to encourage them. You can’t be all things to all people, but you can help more kids than you might imagine.

An amazing thing happens when you start to carry other people’s burdens: God puts people in your life to help carry yours.

Dear God, make us instruments of your goodness. Bless our efforts to carry the burdens of others and make life easier for them. We will give you all the praise and glory for it. Amen.


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