
Our Responsibility To Authority

Our Responsibility To Authority

• Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

• What is the difference between a good teacher and a bad teacher?

The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Romans 13:1-2

Most people have a “horrible teacher” story—the tale of a time when they were falsely accused, unfairly punished, grossly mistreated or just plain misunderstood by an authority at school. Some of the stories may be true. Some may be exaggerated. Some may be completely made up. Whatever the case, many kids enjoy getting whatever revenge they can on teachers they don’t like.

This is an area in which Christians can really stand out. The fact is, it doesn’t matter whether we like certain teachers or not. God has put them in positions of authority in our lives for a reason. The way we treat them reflects our attitude toward him. If we obey them, we obey God. If we honor them, we honor God.

The best way to show honor and respect in the classroom is to listen. Give your teachers your full attention. Listen to what they say. Respond when it’s appropriate. Ask relevant questions. Be respectful when you speak. Obey the class rules. But don’t be fake or insincere. Teachers can smell a phony “teacher’s pet” a mile away.

Remind yourself who really gets honored when you honor your teachers. Think of it as a way of worshiping God.

Dear God, thank you for the authority you have put in our lives. Though we may not always like it, we know that obeying authority honors you. Help us show the authority figures in our lives the respect they deserve. Amen.


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