
Our Rock And Fortress

Our Rock And Fortress

• Have you ever built your own fort? If so, how did you design it?

• How did you feel when you were inside it? Were you trying to keep anyone out?

Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
Psalm 62:6

In Old Testament times, having a refuge was important to survival. Depending on the circumstances, people could go to different places for refuge. For example, many small, unprotected villages were built around large stronghold cities. When an enemy attacked, the people of the villages would flee to the stronghold city. The city’s high towers and fortified walls gave them protection from enemies who were many times their size. As long as the people stayed inside the stronghold city, they were safe.

King David’s fortress, on the other hand, was probably a mountainous area with caves and steep heights — a hiding place from his enemies.

The fact that God is our rock and fortress means we can run to him whenever our enemies threaten to overwhelm us. Sometimes those enemies will be real flesh-and-blood people who want to harm us. Other times, though, they may be difficult circumstances or health issues or painful emotions.

If we had to fight those enemies on our own, we would be in trouble. We would have no protection on any side. We would be vulnerable. When we run to God, though, he acts as our stronghold. He gives us comfort and security in the midst of our daily battles.

Dear God, thank you for being our fortress. Thank you for giving us a place to run to when we feel threatened. Remind us to turn to you whenever attacks come. Amen.


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