
Wrong For Wrong Is Wrong

Wrong For Wrong Is Wrong

• Share a time when you wanted to get some payback.

• How are believers supposed to treat one another?

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.
1 Thessalonians 5:15

In this section of his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul is explaining to new believers how they are supposed to treat one another. Believers are not supposed to seek revenge when wronged. Instead, we are to always strive to do what is good for one another, and for everybody else too.

A desire for revenge is incompatible with the Christian life for several reasons:

Wanting and getting revenge wastes time and energy. We could be spending our time and energy helping others and serving God.

If someone wrongs us and we wrong them back, we have sinned. We have allowed someone else to lead us into sin, sin which we will be accountable for.

When we seek revenge, we do damage to the entire church. We hurt more people than just the person we are trying to hurt.

Even though at times it can be difficult, God asks us to love and forgive one another. We need to work together as the body of Christ, so that we can best serve God.

Dear God, please help us to forgive people who have wronged us. Please help us to always strive to do what is good for one another. Amen.


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