
The Ninth Commandment

The Ninth Commandment

• What are the Ten Commandments? Try to list them.

• Why do you think there are ten?

“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”
Exodus 20:16

Some of the Ten Commandments are harder to keep than others. We probably haven’t thought about killing anyone lately. But what about that ninth commandment? The one that tells us not to lie? That one can be pretty tough.

In fact, the Bible tells us that no one can tame the tongue. This means that it is very difficult to control the words we say. It is too easy to speak without thinking, and it is easy to base our words on our emotions.

However, we are commanded to tell the truth. Even when it is hard. Especially when it is hard. When we are faced with a difficult situation, and we find it hard to tell the truth, we know that God will help us. He wants us to tell the truth, and he will give us the strength to do so.

We also need to remember that the little lies, those “white lies” that we think are no big deal, are a big deal to God. God doesn’t tell us to be truthful only when it matters. He commands us to tell the truth.

Dear God, please help us to keep all your commandments. Please help us to control our tongues and not to lie. Give us the courage to tell the truth. Amen.


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