


• Who is the biggest celebrity you’ve ever met?

• Why don’t more people recognize what an awesome opportunity prayer is?

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16

Imagine that you have five minutes to say anything you want to your favorite sports star, singer or celebrity. It’s just the two of you. No one else is around. You have the person’s undivided attention. What would you say? How starstruck would you be? What if you had five minutes to say anything you want to the president of the United States? Would you be able to go through with it?

Most of us would likely get at least a little tongue-tied in the presence of a world leader or big celebrity. That’s just the way we’re wired. So why don’t we get nervous when we pray? You’d think that talking to the all-powerful, all-knowing Creator of the universe would be much more nerve-wracking than chatting with a celebrity.

And it would be—if we didn’t have his encouragement. God invites us to talk to him. He gives us permission to approach him any time we need him — not with fear and trembling, but with confidence and purpose.

Dear God, it is amazing that you allow us to talk to you anytime we want. Let us never forget what a privilege it is. Amen.


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