
Stirrers Of Conflict

Stirrers Of Conflict

• What’s the difference between wanting a good life for your family and being greedy?

• Why is greed especially bad in a Christian?

The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the LORD will prosper.
Proverbs 28:25

There’s an old Christian song called “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love.” Love isn’t the only thing that might mark someone as a Christian, though. God’s people are called to be generous, selfless and self-controlled. We are also instructed to be unified. Ephesians 4:1-13 says we are one body, working together in unison.

One of the biggest obstacles to Christian unity is greed. Greed destroys unity because it looks out for self first. Greed creates disagreement. People who are pursuing earthly riches have little in common with people who are pursuing heavenly riches.

Greedy people who call themselves Christians wreck their own lives by chasing after wealth and possessions. And they wreck Christian unity in the process, giving outsiders a reason to doubt what Christians say. Of course, God will judge them severely on both counts.

And who does this proverb say will ultimately prosper? Not greedy people, who get tripped up by their own sinful attitude. Their greed keeps them from ever feeling content with what they have. The ones who ultimately will prosper are the ones who commit themselves to Christian unity and trust in the Lord.

Dear God, forgive us for the times when we’ve let our greed get the better of us. Help us to understand that trusting in you is the only way to really prosper. Amen.


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