
A Wise And Understanding People

A Wise And Understanding People

• What do you think people say about you when you are not around?

• Why is a good reputation important?

Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”
Deuteronomy 4:6

In this verse from Deuteronomy, Moses is telling the Israelites to observe God’s commandments carefully, so that other people and other nations would see that God’s followers have wisdom and understanding. Moses wanted his people to understand that obedience to God’s Word would earn them a good reputation, and that other people would learn about the one true God through Israel’s testimony.

The same principle applies today. When we obey God’s Word, we earn good reputations and we become living testimonies for God. Obedient Christians are trustworthy, reliable and admirable people. Obedient Christians work hard at their jobs and love their families. Obedient Christians stay out of trouble and are content with their lives. People who do not yet know God notice these things.

Your reputation is a significant part of your testimony. And being obedient to God’s Word is the best possible way to build a good reputation.

Dear God, thank you for giving us your Word to teach us, guide us and protect us. Please help us to be obedient and to earn good reputations that will lead others to you. Amen.


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