
The Word Made Flesh

The Word Made Flesh

• Name something in God’s Word that you don’t understand.

• What would make it easier for you to understand the Bible?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

God’s written Word has been around since humans have been alive. When God spoke to his people, they wrote it down and passed it on to others. When God did something amazing, they wrote that down too. The written Word got bigger and bigger. People taught their children from its pages. They changed their lives based on what it said.

They debated over which parts were most significant and put them together to form Scripture, God’s written Word. The Old Testament, God’s Word, served as mankind’s primary source for knowing God—until Jesus came and the Word became flesh. Jesus is the Word of God. Everything he said came from God. Every miracle he performed told us something more about God. God’s Word came alive—literally. Jesus gave us new words and made us rethink old ones. The Word was fresh, exciting, unpredictable and life-changing. Jesus taught us to live according to the Word.

As we celebrate this Christmas season, let’s remember that God’s Word is still as fresh, exciting, unpredictable and life-changing as it was to the people who encountered Jesus over two thousand years ago.

Jesus lives in our hearts. His Holy Spirit speaks to us through our conscience. That’s how we can live according to his Word today.

Dear God, thank you for giving us your Word in the flesh. Thank you for the life Jesus led and the things he taught. Guide us as we attempt to follow his example. Amen.


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