
The First Witnesses

The First Witnesses

• What would you do if an angel suddenly appeared to you?

• Do you think the shepherds really understood what they were witnessing? Explain.

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
Luke 2:17-18

As anyone who has ever been part of a living nativity can tell you, the shepherds played an important role in the Christmas story. Angels announced Jesus’ birth to them. Since angels only do God’s bidding, it’s safe to say God wanted the shepherds involved.

Naturally, the shepherds were overwhelmed and frightened at first. But the angels calmed their fears. They headed off to Bethlehem, as the angels directed, unsure of exactly why they had been summoned by God. They had no gifts to give the baby or the young couple. They really had nothing to offer at all. Yet they went to see all that the angels had told them about.

As a result, the shepherds were the only witnesses, besides Mary and Joseph, to Jesus’ first hours on earth. After they had seen the baby, their purpose became clear: They had been chosen to spread the news about Jesus’ arrival. The shepherds were the very first Christian witnesses.

Those of us who know who Jesus is and what his birth means to the world have been chosen by God to make the Good News known everywhere. This Christmas, let’s follow the shepherds’ example.

Dear God, thank you for making us witnesses of your amazing work. Help us to follow the example of the shepherds and spread your Good News far and wide. Amen.


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