
The Wise Men Arrive

The Wise Men Arrive

• How do you suppose the myth that the wise men were at the manger got started?

• Why is it meaningful that they brought very expensive gifts to Jesus?

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Matthew 2:11

If we were to ask people who aren’t familiar with the Bible who came to visit Jesus on the night he was born, they would probably look at the closest nativity scene and name Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the angel above the stable and the wise men. And we would have to tell them their answer is incorrect.

There were no wise men at the manger. They didn’t show up until months later, when Jesus and his family were living in a house. And as long as we’re talking about myths, we should point out that there weren’t necessarily three wise men. The wise men, or Magi, brought three gifts to Jesus, but that doesn’t mean there were three givers.

What we do know is that the Magi were kings from the East. They saw a star, realized it meant that the King of kings had been born, and followed it to Jesus’ house. There they presented him with gold, incense and myrrh.

The fact that kings from a distant land knew who Jesus was and where he could be found shows us that God’s hand was at work in every part of the Christmas story. For that, we can praise him.

Dear God, on this Christmas Day, we thank you for the evidence in your Word that supports our faith. You are the truth, and we put our belief in you. Amen.


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