
We Are The Children

We Are The Children

• Why are you able to recognize the voices of your parents?

• How do you know that you are a child of God?

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:27

If you love and believe in Jesus, that is because he called to you. That is because God chose you. You are God’s child. He picked you to be in his family. None of this is an accident. Your faith is not something that just happened. It was predestined. You were chosen before you were even conceived.

Your spot in God’s family is secure. Jesus knows you. He knows everything there is to know about you. You may not necessarily hear him calling to you with your ears, but you can hear him calling to you in your heart. You can hear him in your soul. You know and recognize his voice. If you were not one of his “sheep,” if you were not a child of God, you would not know his voice.

We spend a lot of time serving and working. We spend a lot of time learning about God and avoiding sin. We need to also spend some time just listening to Jesus’ voice and remembering that we are children of God and that we always will be.

Dear God, thank you for choosing us. Please help us to understand that you are our Father and that we are your children. Thank you for your love. Amen.


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