
Your Mission: Love Your Enemies

Your Mission: Love Your Enemies

• Why is it hard to pray for your enemy?

• What prayer could you pray for your enemy?

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
Matthew 5:43 – 44

It is easy to love and pray for our friends and our family members. We want things to go well for them. We care about them and enjoy asking God to help them and give them what they need to be healthy and happy.

But it is much harder to pray for our enemies. When it comes to people we do not particularly like, or those who have hurt us in some way, we often secretly don’t want things to work out for them.

Jesus knows that it isn’t natural for us to feel affection for our enemies. That is why he is careful to make sure we understand what he expects of us. As Christians, we are supposed to love our enemies and pray for them. But the good news is that he doesn’t expect us to do this on our own. He intends to help us. We just have to ask him.

Dear God, please help us to love our enemies. Please remind us to pray for them. Amen.


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