
Burning Bush Respect

Burning Bush Respect

• How do you show God respect?

• Why does God deserve your respect?

“Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
Exodus 3:5

Imagine you are Moses on that bizarre day long ago. You’re out tending to your father-in-law’s sheep, minding your own business, when suddenly, you see a bush on fire. You go in for a closer look, and the voice from the bush identifies itself as the voice of God. Then God tells you to take off your sandals.

If God appeared to us in a burning bush, we would naturally show respect to him. But we are also to respect God when he doesn’t show up in miraculous ways. In the course of our daily lives, we need to remember that we are still dealing with the same God who can speak from a burning bush. We should still show God the same awe, respect, humility and obedience that Moses showed God that day.

God is more than worthy of our respect. Considering his almighty power and the fact that he’s the one who made us, respecting him is really the least we can do.

Dear God, please help us to give you the respect you deserve. Amen.


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