
The Love Of God In Us

The Love Of God In Us

• What does it look like to really care about people in need?

• What kind of giving would you like to see our family do?

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?
1John 3:17

We are created in God’s image. As believers, we’ve been adopted into God’s family. We call God our heavenly Father. When people look at us, though, they may not always see the family resemblance. Instead, they may see our petty arguments and social drama. They may see our weaknesses and bad habits. They may see the times we give in to temptation. They may see the times we ignore others or treat them badly.

So who can blame them for questioning our connection to God?

The one thing no one can question, though, is a generous spirit, especially when God is the one who gets the credit. There are hundreds of ways to show that kind of spirit. For starters, we could get involved in a fundraiser, donate to a food pantry, help build a house, give money to those who need it, or share our lunch or school supplies.

People will notice a giving spirit—even if we do our best to keep it private. People respect real generosity. They can see God in it, whether they realize it or not.

Dear God, thank you for your generous gifts to us. Bless our efforts to follow your example by giving generously to others. Amen.


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