


Generation To Generation


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Generation To Generation

• Do we talk about spiritual things enough in our family? Explain.

• What is one thing about God, the Bible or the Christian life that you don’t understand?

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6:6 -7

God expects children to honor their parents, which can be difficult sometimes. But he expects a lot from parents too. His command in Deuteronomy 6:7 is one of many that makes it challenging to be a father or mother. Parents are responsible for giving their children the spiritual training they need. What’s more, God will judge parents based on how well they handle that responsibility.

The command in Deuteronomy is challenging for three reasons. First, we live in a very busy culture. Making time for spiritual training requires a lot of planning and work. Second, many parents feel unqualified to teach spiritual things because of their own lack of spiritual training. Third, many parents don’t know what their kids are struggling with, spiritually speaking.

The first challenge can be solved by setting aside specific times every week to talk about spiritual things as a family; this could mean eliminating some things to make space in the schedule. The second problem can be addressed by a lot of studying and praying. The third can be addressed by open communication. Everyone in the family should be able to share questions or doubts about anything spiritual. If we’re going to become the family God wants us to be, we need to work together.

Dear God, thank you for making sure that your words will live on from generation to generation. Guide us in teaching and learning the truth about you and your Word. Amen.


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