


Fostering Oneness


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Fostering Oneness

I want [believers] to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. Colossians 2:2

The Scriptures indicate that husbands and wives are to become “one” (see Genesis 2:24). They are to share life to such a degree that they have a sense of unity, or togetherness. In the verse above, the apostle Paul states his vision for believers: that they would be “knit together” or “united in love” (niv). This is critical for all believers and even more so for marriage partners. Would you describe your marriage like this?

“We are a team.”
“We know each other.”
“We understand each other.”
“We choose to walk in step with each other.”
“Our lives are inseparably bound together.”
“We are one.”
These are the statements of happily married couples. Such togetherness does not happen without a lot of communication. Communication is a two-way street. I talk and you listen; you talk and I listen. It is this simple process that develops understanding and togetherness.

How much time do you spend in conversation with your spouse each day? Do you have a daily sharing time? How consistent are you in keeping this appointment? In the next few devotions, we’ll explore ways to enhance communication and increase oneness.

Lord Jesus, I know you desire us to be united as a couple. I pray that we will grow in togetherness, in teamwork, in understanding, and in our sense of oneness. Please show us how to do that.


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