
Setting Aside Time for Conflicts

Setting Aside Time for Conflicts

Better a dry crust eaten in peace than a house filled with feasting—and conflict. Proverbs 17:1

Do you ever feel like you are married to an alien? Early in your relationship you thought you were so compatible. In fact, you agreed on everything. Now perhaps you wonder how you ever got together, because you are so different. Welcome to the world of reality. The fact is, you are married to a human. Humans don’t all think the same way and don’t all feel the same way. In short, all human relationships include conflicts. The key is to learn constructive methods for reaching resolution when a conflict arises.

Want to solve your conflicts? Here’s an idea. Never discuss disagreements “on the run.” Rather, set aside time specifically for resolving conflict. I suggest that once a week you have a “conflict resolution session.” The rest of the week, try to focus on the things you like about each other. Make positive comments about your spouse. This creates a healthy climate in which to discuss your conflicts.

When you set aside time to deal with conflict, you avoid having your house continually filled with angry words or frustration—a situation King Solomon clearly found unpalatable, based on what we read above. When you allow room for peace, you will work through your conflicts one by one without destroying your relationship. Every resolved conflict brings you and your loved one closer together.

Heavenly Father, I know that conflict between people is inevitable. Please help us to deal with our differences in a way that’s helpful, respectful, and deliberate. We want our home to be a place of peace, not a place of continual conflict.


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