


Finding Time for the Oughts


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Finding Time for the Oughts

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom. Psalm 90:12

As Christians, we know that life’s ultimate meaning is to be found in relationships: first, in a relationship with God, and second, in our relationships with people. On the human level, the marriage relationship is designed by God to be the most intimate, with the parent-child relationship a close second. Yet some of us pursue activities that have little to do with building relationships. How do we stop the merry-go-round and get off?

Have you heard people say, “I know that I ought to, but I just don’t have time”? Is it true that we don’t have time to do what we ought to do? The word ought means to be bound by moral law, conscience, or a sense of duty. If we are not accomplishing our oughts, then we need to examine our use of time. Time is a resource the Lord has given us, and like any other resource, we need to be good stewards of it. The verse above, and many other places in the Bible, underscores the bottom-line reason for using our time well—because our time on earth is limited. Time is a precious commodity we shouldn’t waste.

Ultimately, we can control how we use our time. We can accomplish our goals for our closest relationships. Making time for what’s important means that we must say no to things of lesser importance. Do you need to sit down and take a fresh look at how you are using your time? Then do it today.

Lord, you know best how quickly our days on earth pass by. I want to use my time in the best way possible, and that means investing it in my relationship with you and my relationship with my spouse. Help me to make wise decisions as I evaluate my priorities.


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