


Redeeming Struggles


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Redeeming Struggles

We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28

August 12 is Karolyn’s and my wedding anniversary. As I think back over the years, I have to admit they have not all been happy years. Early on we had significant struggles. I know the pain of feeling rejected. I was often plagued with the thought, I’ve married the wrong woman. In those days, no one ever offered us a book on marriage or recommended a marriage counselor.

We struggled, but by God’s grace we eventually found answers. God taught us how to forgive and how to love again. For many years now, we have enjoyed the fruit of unconditional love. I would not want to relive the years of pain, but I know that God used them to give us a ministry to other struggling couples.

Think about the difficulties in your own relationship, whether past or present. In what ways can God use them to help you or others? Romans 8 tells us that in even the worst situation, God can work things for our good and for his own purposes. The most significant struggle may be the one that, years later, you look back on as a turning point in your relationship. The Lord can redeem any circumstance for his glory. In that I rejoice on this anniversary.

Lord God, thank you for this word of hope. No matter what struggles we face in our relationship, we know that the problems are not beyond you. You can bring good out of them. Please use our difficulties to fulfill your purposes.


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