
Well, We’re Off . . . Almost!

Well, We’re Off . . . Almost!


Read Numbers 5:1–10:10

22. The Lord said to Moses,
23. “Tell Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel with this special blessing:
24. ‘May the Lord bless you and protect you.
25. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
26. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’
27. Whenever Aaron and his sons bless the people of Israel in my name, I myself will bless them.”
7:1. On the day Moses set up the Tabernacle, he anointed it and set it apart as holy. He also anointed and set apart all its furnishings and the altar with its utensils.
2. Then the leaders of Israel—the tribal leaders who had registered the troops—came and brought their offerings.
3. Together they brought six large wagons and twelve oxen. There was a wagon for every two leaders and an ox for each leader. They presented these to the Lord in front of the Tabernacle. Numbers 6:22–7:3

Preparing for a vacation can be more stressful than actually going on the trip, but there’s no escaping it. Without preparation, the trip will probably not go smoothly—or worse, it may not happen at all.

In this reading, the Israelites continue their preparations for entering the Promised Land. God gives them numerous instructions. Moses and Aaron bless them. The people dedicate the Tabernacle and celebrate Passover. Then God provides guidance for the journey. As you read, learn that especially at the onset of great plans, a right relationship with God comes first.

In this passage, you will find these lessons as well: making restitution; dealing with suspicion in marriage; avoiding foolish vows; pitching in to help; and doing what is right when compromise is necessary.

As part of Israel’s preparation for entering the Promised Land, Moses instructed Aaron to bless the people. A blessing was one way of asking for God’s divine favor to rest upon others, and that’s what Aaron and his sons did for the people of Israel here (Numbers 6:24-26). This blessing’s five parts conveyed hope that God would (1) bless and protect them; (2) smile upon them (be pleased); (3) be gracious (merciful and compassionate); (4) show them his favor (give his approval); and (5) give peace.

When you ask God to bless others or yourself, you are asking him to grant these five requests. The blessing you offer will not only help the ones receiving it, but it will also demonstrate love, encourage them, and provide a model of caring for them. You can bless others through prayer and in person, face-to-face. Who can you bless in this way today?


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