
Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Psalm 90:14


What morning routine do you most depend on to get your day off to a good start? A warm shower? Your first cup of coffee? Revising your to-do list?

Moses, the author of Psalm 90, wasn’t anticipating a refreshing shower when he pulled back his tent flap to face another day in the hot, barren wilderness. His to-do list usually had one thing on it: walk until God says stop.

Moses began each day with something many of us are missing: an unwavering assurance of God’s unfailing love. His confidence in God’s love and care was all he needed to face each day in the wilderness.

We have the same promise that Moses had. Nothing we do or say will alter the passionate love God pours out on us. In our waking moments, before our minds become cluttered with concerns, before our feet hit the floor, we can pray, “Lord, satisfy me today with your unfailing love.” When God’s love becomes our greatest source of satisfaction, joy will carry us through our daily stresses, and God will put a song in our hearts . . . “to the end of our lives.”

LOVING FATHER, thank you for your promise of unfailing love. Impress on my heart a deeper awareness of your love and care for me. Give me eyes to see all the ways you express that to me throughout this day. Forgive me for seeking satisfaction in material possessions, family, friends, and work. I pray that you will become my greatest source of satisfaction and joy.

Your relationship with God ought to bring you more joy, satisfaction, and pleasure than any other relationship, activity, or material possession you have.
Henry Blackaby (b. 1935)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Jeremiah 39:1–41:18; 2 Timothy 1:1-18; Psalm 90:1–91:16 and Proverbs 26:1-2.

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