
Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord? Who can ever praise him half enough? Psalm 106:1-2


Psalm 106 is a prayer of remembrance. David recalls how although he and his ancestors had sinned and forgotten the Lord’s many acts of kindness to them, yet God saved them and rescued them from their enemies. They continued to go astray, but time after time God delivered them because of his faithful love and goodness.

Reading this psalm reminded me to stop and thank God and list his glorious miracles in my journal, regardless of what I am concerned about today. Imagine how God might enjoy it if, instead of one day, we set aside the whole month of November to focus on expressing our gratefulness! As I looked at my prayer lists for the last month and thanked God for each step of progress, each thing he had done in the hearts and lives of those I’d prayed for, I was astounded, and my heart was refreshed by a new sense of his greatness and glory. Let me encourage you to write down what God has done either individually or with your family. Then thank him aloud, for “who can ever praise him half enough?”

LORD, you have given me so much. You have blessed me with salvation so that I could enjoy abundant life here on earth and eternally in heaven. Help me to praise you not only on a special, appointed Thanksgiving day but regularly and continually. May I, like David, begin and punctuate my prayers with praise and thanksgiving! Your faithful love endures forever. I can never praise you half enough.

From David learn to give thanks for everything. Every furrow in the book of Psalms is sown with the seeds of thanksgiving.
Jeremy Taylor (1613–1667)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Ezekiel 14:12–16:41; Hebrews 7:18-28; Psalm 106:1-12 and Proverbs 27:4-6.

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