
He Bends Down and Listens

He Bends Down and Listens

I love the Lord because he hears and answers my prayers. Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath! Psalm 116:1-2


This verse expresses one of the greatest truths and blessings of the Christian life: God hears us. In fact, this awesome, almighty God not only hears us but he also brings us into the outworking of his will on the earth through our prayers. He loves us enough to bend down and listen. In the original language the word for listens means that he inclines or strains his ears to hear us when we pray. He wants us to tell him our needs, our hurts, and our desires. And he doesn’t stop with hearing. He answers our prayers and petitions. He intervenes in the affairs of men. He acts on behalf of those who ask for his help. He has initiated and established this avenue of our asking to be the means by which he shows himself mighty and fulfills his will. He hears! That is reason enough to love the Lord and to continue to pray as long as we have breath.

LORD, thank you for the incredible privilege of prayer. How amazing it is that you bend down and listen to me, that you hear and answer my prayers. Thank you for the privilege of being a partner with you as you fulfill your purposes, and thank you for showing yourself mighty as I pray. Empower me to pray as long as I breathe!

Speak to him, thou, for he hears, —and spirit with spirit can meet— closer is he than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.
Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809–1892)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Ezekiel 35:1–36:38; James 1:1-18; Psalm 116:1-19 and Proverbs 27:23-27.

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