
The Value of the Word

The Value of the Word

How sweet are your words to my taste; they are sweeter than honey. Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Psalm 119:103-104


In this prayer we can join the psalmist as he expresses thankfulness for God’s words. His words nourish us, give us understanding, and keep us from deceptive ways. No wonder they are better than the choicest food! The Word of our Lord provides the fuel for our spiritual growth and health and gives us the guidance we need for each step of the journey. Almost every verse of Psalm 119 speaks of this overarching theme—the great value of the revealed Word of God. It calls us to come back to the Scriptures and to approach reading them as a delight, not as a duty. It reminds us what a gift it is to know what God says and to be able to follow that path that leads to eternal life instead of the false path that leads to destruction. Ask his Spirit to increase your enjoyment of the Scriptures and to open your eyes to his wonderful ways. Pray that you will hunger for his Word more than for your favorite food so that with Moses you can say, “These instructions are not mere words—they are your life!” (Deuteronomy 32:47).

FATHER, thank you for your Word, which is my very life! It gives me the understanding I need to stay on the right path and live a life that honors you. Fill me with delight in the Scriptures, and increase my appreciation of them as each year passes. Keep me from distraction when I sit down to read, and may I never take for granted the great privilege of knowing what you have said.

God did not write a book and send it by messenger to be read at a distance by unaided minds. He spoke a book and lives in his spoken words, constantly speaking his words and causing the power of them to persist across the years.
A. W. Tozer (1897–1963)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Daniel 4:1-37; 2 Peter 1:1-21; Psalm 119:97-112 and Proverbs 28:17-18.

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