
The Pilgrim’s Song

The Pilgrim’s Song

I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. Rescue me, O Lord, from liars and from all deceitful people. Psalm 120:1-2


Psalm 120 is sometimes called a pilgrim song because it was sung as the Israelites were going up to Jerusalem to celebrate the annual feasts. In this particular song the pilgrims’ trouble involved deceitful people who constantly harassed them and lied about them. They had suffered among the “scoundrels of Meshech” (v. 5), their own people who should have been peaceful but wanted only war. As the psalmist cried out to God for deliverance and poured out his pain, he felt confident that God was answering his prayers. God was his center, and prayer his first resource. He had taken his troubles to the right place, so even before anything had changed in the situation, he could thank God for answering his prayer. We may not be on our way to Jerusalem, but as believers we, too, are pilgrims and sojourners in this world and will face opposition. We may encounter harassment and trouble beyond our ability to handle. Others may lie about us or betray us, as David experienced, but this passage assures us that when we take all our troubles to God and cry out to him, he will answer our prayer.

FATHER, I thank you that there is no trouble beyond your help. When I bring my problems to you, when I cry out to you, you are always there, listening, answering, and working in my life. Though I may be harassed or distressed, you are my sure refuge. You are my strong tower, and I run to you and am safe. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers!

It is the answer to prayer which makes praying a power for God and for man, and makes praying real and divine.
E. M. Bounds (1835–1913)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Daniel 8:1-27; 1 John 2:1-17; Psalm 120:1-7 and Proverbs 28:25-26.

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