
Nothing of Significance

Nothing of Significance

Hear the word of the Lord, O people of Israel! The Lord has filed a lawsuit against you, saying: “There is no faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of God in your land.” Hosea 4:1


No one looks forward to receiving a summons, but that’s exactly what happened with Israel. The King of kings had filed a lawsuit, and the charges were serious. Though the nation had a rich history and God had promised an abundant future, there was nothing of lasting value in the land. A significant nation had become insignificant. How does an entire nation lose their heritage? They lose it in increments, when idols replace God, when one generation fails to teach the precepts of faith to the next, when people call on God only in times of crisis.

Israel did not know the extent of their loss until the summons arrived at their door. We may point to the problems in our own nation, but a country is only as strong as its people. Therefore, it is wise to examine our own lives first. Are we faithful? Are we kind to others? Do we know God and obey his Word? Are we teaching his precepts to the next generation? Take a moment and ask God to shed his light on your heart and home and to sow seeds of significance in your life.

FATHER, I pray that I will be faithful, kind, and knowledgeable of you. Help me to cherish those things that are of lasting value, for I find significance through you. Father, I lift up my nation before you. Help us to recognize what is of value and what is not. Open our eyes so that we will change our ways. Change my nation, Lord, but begin with me.

The human value is not the ultimate, but only the penultimate value; the last, the highest value is God the Father. He alone is the cause and the measure of all things, cause and measure of all valuations, cause and measure of all love.
Karl Adam (1876–1966)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Hosea 4:1–5:15; 2 John 1-13; Psalm 125:1-5 and Proverbs 29:9-11.

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