


There Is No Limit


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There Is No Limit

I am too ignorant to be human, and I lack common sense. I have not mastered human wisdom, nor do I know the Holy One. Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world? What is his name—and his son’s name? Tell me if you know! Proverbs 30:2-4


Agur may have lacked wisdom, but he looked for answers in the right place. He may not have had common sense, but he knew that there was One greater than himself. Can God use us in spite of our limitations? Absolutely! What we lack in human ability we can find in God. He has used the simple things of this world to confound the wise many times. He called Moses, a man who feared public speaking, to lead a nation. He promoted David, a shepherd boy, to the position of king. He sent his own Son to be born in a small town and laid in a manger, just one more illustration of humble beginnings laced with destiny. Though we cannot begin to compare with the Savior, we are instruments in the Father’s hands. It is not your abilities that shape the world; it is God, who holds the wind in his fists and wraps the ocean in his cloak. He is majestic and all-powerful! Have you allowed your limitations to keep you from the destiny he has for you? Then place yourself in the hands of the mighty God, for it is he who does great things.

LORD, who holds the wind in his fist and the oceans in his cloak? It is you, precious Father. You still the wind with your voice. You are the creator of the stars. You command angels and orchestrate the changing of the seasons. It is you who created me and gave me purpose in life. Look into my heart, Father, and make me a willing instrument in your hands.

How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none. Eternal years lie in his heart. For him time does not pass, it remains; and those who are in Christ share with him all the riches of limitless time and endless year.
A. W. Tozer (1897–1963)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Micah 1:1–4:13; Revelation 6:1-17; Psalm 134:1-3 and Proverbs 30:1-4.

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