


The Lord Reached Down


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The Lord Reached Down

O Lord, what are mortals that you should notice us, mere humans that you should care for us? For we are like a breath of air; our days are like a passing shadow. Bend down the heavens, Lord, and come down. Psalm 144:3-5


This psalm, which contains praise to God for victory in battle and a question—Why should God stoop to help humanity since we are like a vapor and our days like a passing shadow?—also contains a prayer for the Lord to divinely intervene: “Bend down the heavens, Lord, and come down.” This cry for deliverance, a desire to be rescued from enemies and drawn out of deep waters, echoes throughout the Psalms. But the fact is, the Lord did bend down the heavens and come down when he became a baby born in Bethlehem. God gave his only begotten Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Today on Christmas, join your voice with the praise of believers throughout history and around the world who celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and give him thanks and worship for the sacrifice of his Son to heal and save us. Lift up your heart to the Lord who reached down, the One who cares for us though we are mere mortals and who loves us with an everlasting love.

LORD, as we celebrate your birth today, I praise you for coming to earth so that we who believe in you might know your forgiveness and experience your love. You are Emmanuel, God with us! Although as mere humans we are like a breath of air, our days like a passing shadow, you reached down from on high and brought us out of darkness into your marvelous light.

Christ himself is living at the heart of the world; and his total mystery—that of creation, incarnation, redemption, and resurrection—embodies and animates all of life and all of history.
Michel Quoist (b. 1921)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Zechariah 8:1-23; Revelation 16:1-21; Psalm 144:1-15 and Proverbs 30:29-31.

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