
Fruitful Trees

Fruitful Trees

They delight in doing everything the Lord wants; day and night they think about his law. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper. Psalm 1:2-3


This psalm, in which the wicked are contrasted with the godly, never fails to lead me to prayer—both for others and for myself. It is also the source of an ideal prayer for the new year—that we would delight in doing God’s will, that his Word would be continually in our thoughts, and that we would bear fruit in the year ahead and in each season of our lives. None of this happens apart from God’s Spirit and power working within us. But fruit bearing is the inevitable by-product of opening our hearts and lives to the power of his life within us. As we abide in Christ and his Word, our roots to go down deep in Christ, keeping us close to him, just as the roots of trees planted along the riverbank sink into the water source so that their leaves stay green and don’t wither. And when we pray, the Spirit releases this wonder-working power that draws us to God, roots us deeper in him, and causes our faith to mature. Be assured of God’s promise that as you draw near to him today and each day in the year ahead, he will draw near to you (James 4:8).

LORD, by your Spirit, draw me to the river of your love. Cause my roots to go deep into your streams of water, and make all that I do prosper. Give me the desire to read your Word and to meditate on it day and night. Most of all, empower me to do what it says. And for the fruit that is borne in the year ahead, I will give you all the glory!

A man without prayer is like a tree without roots.
Pope Pius XII (1876–1958)

The One Year Bible readings for today are: Genesis 1:1–2:25; Matthew 1:1–2:12; Psalm 1:1-6 and Proverbs 1:1-6.

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