
Words for Disciples

Words for Disciples

When you are arrested, don’t worry about what to say in your defense, because you will be given the right words at the right time. For it won’t be you doing the talking—it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Matthew 10:19-20


Some of the traveling instructions that Jesus gave to his twelve disciples—such as don’t take any money with you, and don’t carry a bag or even an extra coat (Matthew 10:9-10)—may sound strange to our modern ears. But imbedded in Christ’s words are important principles and, most important, a call for a deeper level of trust. In verse 19 Jesus carries that need to trust God even into the courtroom, advising his followers not to worry about relying on their own natural abilities to devise a clever defense, because God would give them the right words at the right time. Perhaps it is not a court trial you face but a job situation, a misunderstanding with a friend, or a problem with your teen. This chapter assures you of something wonderful: that God himself will give you the inspiration as you rely on him to do so. As you stay tuned-in to him and actively trust him and wait for his prompting, it won’t be you doing the talking—it will be the Spirit of your Father. Rest today in the truth that the Lord will bring his words to your mind and that his words always accomplish the purposes for which they are sent.

LORD, I’m thankful that you desire to speak through me. Help me learn to depend completely on you and to trust you for the right words at the right time. Whenever I am in a tight spot, I know that you are especially with me then, giving me just the right words to say to bring your life, light, and hope to people surrounded by darkness. I will give you all the glory because you are the only One who can do this. Thank you for your wisdom and timing, which are always perfect.

In prayer you align yourself to the purposes and power of God and he is able to do things through you he couldn’t do otherwise.
E. Stanley Jones (1884–1973)

The One Year Bible readings for today are: Genesis 30:1–31:16; Matthew 10:1-23; Psalm 12:1-8 and Proverbs 3:13-15.

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