
Unexpected Blessings

Unexpected Blessings

Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. Proverbs 3:27


Isn’t it fun to watch television shows where people are surprised with unexpected blessings? The gift might be an elaborate wedding for a couple who couldn’t afford it or a houseful of appliances for a struggling family. We delight in their joy, vicariously participating in their excitement. We may even imagine what it would be like if we had the same means of blessing others.

The fact is that we are surrounded with opportunities to share good things with others: a homemade apple pie to welcome a new neighbor, a note telling the youth pastor what a great job he is doing, a sincere compliment to a loved one. If we wait to do good to others until we can perform benevolent deeds on a grand scale, we miss the point and the opportunity. We have the power to act because Christ, who lives within us, came to serve. As we are yoked together with him, we will find ourselves ministering to others with his grace and love. What unexpected blessing can you share with someone today?

DEAR GOD, I realize that with you as my life, I have the power to encourage my brother or sister. I know that I also have the power to discourage people simply by withholding good things—whether great or small. Help me to look for opportunities today to delight someone with an unexpected blessing! Thank you for the chance to participate in showing your goodness to each person you place in my path.

God is not glorified so much by preaching, or teaching, or anything else, as by holy living.
Catherine Booth (1829–1890)

The One Year Bible readings for today are: Genesis 37:1–38:30; Matthew 12:22-45; Psalm 16:1-11 and Proverbs 3:27-32.

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