
Life Lessons

Life Lessons

If you live a life guided by wisdom, you won’t limp or stumble as you run. Proverbs 4:12


We often find life’s lessons in surprising places. When an elderly couple stares into each other’s eyes with deep and genuine affection, they teach us that love can last forever. When a friend is struck with a terrible sickness and his faith remains intact, we learn that God will carry us through the hard times. When a baby falls while learning to walk and then doggedly pulls himself back up and tries again, he shares a lesson about tenacity. When storms come and bend a tree’s massive branches to the ground, we learn that even those that are battered will stand straight again when the sun comes out the next day.

Many people define wisdom as knowing the rules and following them, yet it is so much more. You can find wisdom by heeding the examples of those who have gone before you, finding nuggets of truth in unexpected places or circumstances, opening your eyes to the magnitude of God through his magnificent creation. Wisdom is found by looking for God’s lessons taught by those who surround us every day and then applying them to our lives.

LORD, thank you for lessons that come from the people you have placed in my path and from your creation of an intricate, amazing world. I pray that I will listen to those who have your wisdom and that I will learn from them. I’m thankful that your desire is not for me to limp or stumble along my path but to run the race accurately and quickly as I seek your wisdom to guide me to the finish line.

Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar.
William Wordsworth (1770–1850)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Genesis 44:1–45:28; Matthew 14:13-36; Psalm 18:37-50 and Proverbs 4:11-13.

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