
Celebration Time!

Celebration Time!

Read 1 Chronicles 13:1–17:27

25. David and the elders of Israel and the generals of the army went to the house of Obed-edom to bring the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant up to Jerusalem with a great celebration.
26. And because God was clearly helping the Levites as they carried the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant, they sacrificed seven bulls and seven rams.
27. David was dressed in a robe of fine linen, as were all the Levites who carried the Ark, and also the singers, and Kenaniah the choir leader. David was also wearing a priestly garment.
28. So all Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant with shouts of joy, the blowing of rams’ horns and trumpets, the crashing of cymbals, and loud playing on harps and lyres. 1 Chronicles 15:25-28


Marguerite can’t understand Robert’s enthusiasm for football; he cannot understand her passion for reading. That’s the way it often is from person to person—each individual gets excited over different experiences and for different reasons. What gets you excited?

In this reading, bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem is cause for great excitement and celebration, and David dances for joy! But not everyone gets excited about the Ark’s debut in Jerusalem. In fact, one person is more preoccupied with despising David and his enthusiasm than in celebrating the Ark’s arrival. As you read this passage, think about worship and consider how you might celebrate God’s entrance into your life.

There are other things besides the debut of the Ark to get excited about in this reading. Note, for example, David’s victories over the Philistines and his prayer of thanks to God for his goodness and mercy.

David worshiped God with music and exuberant dancing (1 Chronicles 13:8; 15:29). Because of his enthusiasm, David’s wife, Michal, was disgusted with him. Today, some people may think that those who are more expressive in their worship of God look foolish. At the same time, those who are reserved in their worship may appear uninspired or somber.

Whether we fall into one of these categories or strike a balance between the two, we should not be critical of how others worship God, for we do not know their hearts like God does. On the other hand, we should not be concerned with what others think of us as we worship. We should instead use whatever expressions seem appropriate in pouring out our heartfelt praise and worship to God.

Don’t be afraid to worship God with whatever expressions seem appropriate. What do you need in your life—more serious reflection or more joyous celebration?

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