
Sing Praise

Sing Praise

Sing praise to God, sing praises; sing praise to our King, sing praises! For God is the King over all the earth. Praise him with a psalm! Psalm 47:6-7


God absolutely loves to hear his children sing. He cherishes and delights in lavish worship and praise that come from the heart in song. Spending time singing to the Lord is vital to our life with God. Our songs shouldn’t be merely a means to an end or preparation in a church service or the “first step” in a prayer model like the “Four Steps of Prayer.” They should reflect our joy at being in God’s presence. Just as parents delight in their young children’s songs even when they’re off-key, our heavenly Father hears past our broken chords of harmony, the strained efforts at melody, and the obscure rhythms and rhymes. There is no sound more pleasing to God than the voice of his child singing of his wonderful character and marvelous glory. The only thing resounding throughout his throne room is the gratitude of our hearts, which to him is irresistible. In prayer, lift your voice in extravagant worship of the Lord, singing praises to his name. Worship him because he is the perfect, holy, almighty Creator and king of the universe and yet calls you into intimate relationship with him.

LORD, grant me the grace to enter into true praise and to experience your delight in me. I want to be lost in wonder, love, and praise. I want to sing songs that lift your name and character high. Give me fresh revelation today, Lord, of who you are. Inspire me so that I will sing of your greatness and glory forever! You are the king over all the earth. I love you, Lord.

When all thy mercies, O my God! My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I’m lost. In wonder, love, and praise.
Joseph Addison (1672–1719)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Numbers 2:1–3:51; Mark 11:27–12:17; Psalm 47:1-9 and Proverbs 10:24-25.

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