
Laying Hold of His Words

Laying Hold of His Words

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. O God, I praise your word.I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? Psalm 56:3-4


The scene in this psalm is very familiar: the psalmist has been attacked, slandered, and maligned by his enemies. He even feared death and had every human reason to be afraid. But as he reminded himself of the Lord’s care and concern, as he meditated on God’s power and majesty, and as he trusted and praised God’s Word, his fear began to flee.

When circumstances cause us to be afraid, the only way we can avoid being overwhelmed by fear and genuinely trust in almighty God is by experiencing and declaring who he says he is in his Word. It is there that we learn of him and come to know him. As he speaks, his very words and presence bring peace, calmness, rest, and stillness in our inmost being. Therefore, as the psalmist said, we trust in God, so why should we be afraid? As children of God, we learn to live by his precious, powerful Word so that we can walk before him in the light of life. We can trust him and not give way to fear.

LORD, when I am afraid, I trust in you, and I praise you for the sustaining power of your Word. Help me to lay hold of your words to me, for they alone bring me life, health, and peace. Let my trust in you continue to grow deep and wide so that I can fulfill the plans you have for me in order for your kingdom to increase. Thank you for the gift of your Word, which comforts, inspires, and guides my path each day.

The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.
Martin Luther (1483–1546)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Numbers 19:1–20:29; Luke 1:1-25; Psalm 56:1-13 and Proverbs 11:8.

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