
I Have Seen the Savior!

I Have Seen the Savior!

There was a man named Simeon who lived in Jerusalem. He was a righteous man and very devout. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he eagerly expected the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. . . . When Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, “Lord, now I can die in peace! As you promised me, I have seen the Savior you have given to all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!” Luke 2:25, 27-32


Many people saw Jesus that day and passed him by, taking no notice, but Simeon, who had eagerly expected the Messiah, was overjoyed and broke out in praise to God. Simeon had prayed for, hoped for, and waited for this moment. Getting to see the Christ was the highlight of Simeon’s life, and he shared that joy by proclaiming Christ’s glory and light to those around him.

Getting a glimpse of Jesus can light up our lives as well. We can be like those who must have passed him by in the temple on the day of his dedication—too busy to seek him and spend time with him. We can take him for granted and miss the blessing of his presence or be distracted by other things in the world. But if we eagerly look for Christ in our everyday goings and comings, draw close to him through prayer in our families, our work, our difficulties and trials, we, too, will get a new glimpse of God. Our hearts will be renewed, and others will come to know him through us.

FATHER, thank you for letting me see the Savior! I rejoice as Simeon did long ago. Jesus is alive, he has come and is coming again! Lord Jesus, thank you for being a light to reveal God to the nations so that more people can know and worship our Father. Thank you for bringing us out of darkness and into your marvelous light. I want to shine your light everywhere I go so that everyone around me will be drawn to you.

I have one passion only: It is he! It is he!
Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf (1700–1760)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Numbers 24:1–25:18; Luke 2:1-35; Psalm 59:1-17 and Proverbs 11:14.

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