
It’s a Secret

It’s a Secret

Read 1 Chronicles 28:1–29:30

5. From among my sons . . . [the Lord] chose Solomon to succeed me on the throne of Israel. . . .
8. So now, with God as our witness, and in the sight of all Israel—the Lord’s assembly—I give you this charge. Be careful to obey all the commands of the Lord your God, so that you may continue to possess this good land and leave it to your children as a permanent inheritance.
9. And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
10. So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong, and do the work. 1 Chronicles 28:5, 8-10


Who knows you better than anybody else? In answer to that question, some people would name a parent, others a spouse or a friend. Perhaps you have managed to escape that kind of scrutiny, so nobody really knows you well—your motives, desires, thoughts, feelings, and dreams.

Whether you’ve opened your life up to someone or have kept it a secret from others, there is one person who knows you intimately—God. In this reading, David reminds his son Solomon of this and cautions him to be open and honest with the Lord.

Nobody knows us better than God, David reminds his son, so why try to hide? His advice to Solomon is also great advice to us.

Other lessons in David’s speech include the connections between present obedience to God and the future; how to give; and humility.

David pointed out to his son Solomon that “the Lord sees every heart” (1 Chronicles 28:9). In other words, nothing can be hidden from God. He sees and understands everything: our desires, thoughts, motives, feelings, and dreams. David had found this out the hard way when God sent Nathan to expose David’s sins of adultery and murder (see see 2 Samuel 12). Out of this experience, David told Solomon to be completely open with God and dedicated to him.

God’s total knowledge of us can cause us fear and dread because we cannot hide our sinful thoughts and actions from him—we are totally vulnerable. But his knowledge of us can also cause great comfort and joy because he loves us—the real us—and wants the very best for us.

Rejoice in the fact that God knows your deepest needs and longings, and that he desires a better life for you than you could ever imagine. Be honest with him—express your doubts and questions, confess your sinful thoughts and actions, pour out your feelings, and ask him for help.

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