
Inherit the Wind

Inherit the Wind

Those who bring trouble on their families inherit only the wind. The fool will be a servant to the wise. Proverbs 11:29


It’s not difficult to imagine receiving your grandmother’s treasured brooch, but what would it be like to inherit the wind? It sounds grand until you consider the magnitude of the gift. The wind is forceful, unruly, and can strike without warning. It may only whisk your hat off your head, but it also has the power to send ships careening off course. It goes where it wishes, whipping the small, the fragile, and the unrestrained where it will. We risk danger when we open the door and allow trouble to march in to our homes. Unwelcome guests with names such as unrestrained anger or petty arguments can whip through our homes and drive family members apart. Selfishness nudges joy out the window as love and kindness and gentleness fall to the ground like brittle, dead leaves. Our families were intended to be a sanctuary—a safe place for each of us. We all face trouble from time to time, but it should never be because we willingly allow it into our homes. Instead, let your home be characterized by a legacy of kindness, godly character, and faith. Choose today to bring good things to your family and to leave trouble outside the door.

FATHER, my loved ones are precious to me. I want them to inherit more than the wind. Forgive me for the times when I have allowed uninvited guests into my home. Help me to keep rage and petty arguments and selfishness far away. If I have willingly brought trouble to my family, help me to make amends. I don’t want the destructive wind of trouble to invade my home and family. I invite the gentle breeze of your Spirit to abide in us.

Let your home be your parish, your little brood your congregation, your living room a sanctuary, and your knee a sacred altar.
Billy Graham (b. 1918)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Deuteronomy 5:1–6:25; Luke 7:11-35; Psalm 68:19-35 and Proverbs 11:29-31.

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