
Prepared for Battle

Prepared for Battle

Read 2 Chronicles 14:2–16:14

1. When Abijah died, he was buried in the City of David. Then his son Asa became the next king. There was peace in the land for ten years.
2. Asa did what was pleasing and good in the sight of the Lord his God.
3. He removed the foreign altars and the pagan shrines. He smashed the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah poles.
4. He commanded the people of Judah to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, and to obey his law and his commands.
5. Asa also removed the pagan shrines, as well as the incense altars from every one of Judah’s towns. So Asa’s kingdom enjoyed a period of peace.
6. During those peaceful years, he was able to build up the fortified towns throughout Judah. No one tried to make war against him at this time, for the Lord was giving him rest from his enemies. 2 Chronicles 14:1-6


Suppose you suddenly had two hours to do whatever you wanted. This was your time—no one else could call or interrupt you, no one could lay claim to your priorities, no one could tell you to get up and start washing the dishes. What would you most like to do with that time?

For some good tips, read the story of Asa, king of Judah. Asa is a good king. He loves God and does what is right. And this has a wonderful, positive effect on his nation—peace. As you read, note how Asa uses free time.

In this passage, Asa shows us other good examples—like the importance of removing sin and corrupt practices from our lives, as well as listening to and following through on godly counsel.

This passage notes that the nation of Judah had been given rest from its enemies, meaning that they had peace with all their neighbors (2 Chronicles 14:7). King Asa wisely used this time to build his defenses, fortifying the cities with walls and battlements. Times of peace are not just for resting; they allow us to prepare for times of trouble. King Asa recognized that this period of peace afforded the right time to build his defenses—the moment of attack would be too late.

It is also difficult to withstand spiritual attack unless adequate defenses are prepared beforehand. Decisions about how to face temptation must be made with a cool head long before the heat of battle.

Build your defenses before temptation strikes by scheduling times of rest, and using those times to recover from stress and to refresh your spirit. Remember to include prayer and Bible reading to boost your defenses.

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