
Timing Is Everything

Timing Is Everything

Read Esther 1:1–2:23

16. Esther was taken to King Xerxes at the royal palace in early winter of the seventh year of his reign.
17. And the king loved Esther more than any of the other young women. He was so delighted with her that he set the royal crown on her head and declared her queen instead of Vashti.
18. To celebrate the occasion, he gave a great banquet in Esther’s honor for all his nobles and officials, declaring a public holiday for the provinces and giving generous gifts to everyone.
19. Even after all the young women had been transferred to the second harem and Mordecai had become a palace official,
20. Esther continued to keep her family background and nationality a secret. She was still following Mordecai’s directions, just as she did when she lived in his home. Esther 2:16-20


In baseball, whether you hit the ball out of the park or down the left field line depends a lot on timing—exactly when the bat hits the ball. Internal combustion engines won’t even run if the timing is off. And just ask a baker if it matters when he or she takes the bread out of the oven. Timing is everything.

Esther knows this to be true. As her life changes for the better, knowing when to speak and what to say becomes a significant factor in preserving her life and the lives of her people. She learns that God placed her in her important position, and at just the right time, she acts.

As you read this exciting story, learn the lesson of God’s perfect timing—and the importance of our well-timed obedience.

These chapters also present two other lessons: watching out for impulsive decisions and fulfilling God’s purposes in the task at hand.

Esther was a queen. We might imagine that this gave her every right to do as she pleased. In reality, she had virtually no rights and little access to the king. Under the circumstances, it was better for Esther not to reveal her Jewish identity immediately (Esther 2:10). She waited for a better time, a time when she could reveal the truth after the king had been prepared.

While boldness in stating our identity as God’s people is our responsibility, at times a good strategy is to keep quiet until we have won the right to be heard. This is especially true when dealing with those in authority over us. We can always let them see the difference God makes in our lives, but we should make sure the timing is right before we speak.

Think of how your life displays your faith to your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Next, consider when the right time would be to explain your faith to them. When God gives you the opportunity, carefully and lovingly share what you believe (see 1 Peter 3:15).

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