


Impossible Odds


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Impossible Odds

The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength. Therefore, tell the people, ‘Whoever is timid or afraid may leave and go home.’” Twenty-two thousand of them went home, leaving only ten thousand who were willing to fight. But the Lord told Gideon, “There are still too many! Bring them down to the spring, and I will sort out who will go with you and who will not.” Judges 7:2-4


The odds were against Gideon’s winning the war. He had only thirty-two thousand men. The Midianites— the enemy—were as numerous as locusts. Imagine Gideon’s surprise when God asked him to whittle down his army by twenty-two thousand. Surely winning was impossible! But God tested Gideon’s faith even further by asking him to use only the men who lapped up water like dogs. Now only three hundred men remained. Later that night the small group of warriors encircled the enemy’s camp. In one accord they broke their clay jars holding torches, and light flooded the night. They blew their ram’s horns and shouted and watched in amazement as the enemy defeated itself without a single casualty in Gideon’s army! Without a doubt Gideon and his men understood that God was with them even when it seemed there was no way out. When you face overwhelming circumstances, you are in a perfect position for God to intervene on your behalf. It is in those times that, like Gideon, you learn to trust God and discover that he is always with you, even when you face impossible odds.

HEAVENLY FATHER, when I am in a battle, you shine in the midst of that battle. When I am unsure about which direction to turn, you give me wisdom. When I need advice, I can listen for your voice. Many times I have felt there was no way out, only to discover that you were making a way for me. You give me victory when it seems impossible. Thank you for being my warrior!

There’s nothing written in the Bible . . . that says if you believe in me, you ain’t going to have no troubles.
Ray Charles (1930–2004)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: Judges 7:1–8:17; Luke 23:13-43; Psalm 97:1–98:9 and Proverbs 14:7-8.

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