
God Strengthens Those Who Look To Him

God Strengthens Those Who Look To Him

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.”
Isaiah 30:15

In 739 BC, the Jewish nation of Judah was in a mess. Rather than trusting in the Lord during tough times, the rebellious nation had instead called on Egypt for help. The prophet Isaiah was sent by God to confront the Israelites, and his wasn’t a very “user-friendly” message. Isaiah used scary words and phrases like brought low, humbled and lament. Many people dismissed him as an overly religious kook. But Isaiah spoke with heaven’s authority, and his words and manner must have caused a few sleepless nights—at least for some.


The details vary, but the principles and promise are still valid today. To experience all that God desires for us, we must turn to him—and walk with him—in trust. If we ignore him, or trust in other people or other things, we do so at our own peril. Our tough times will only multiply.

• Return to me and wait for me, and I will deliver you from trouble.

• You will find strength when you quietly trust me.

Forgive me, Lord, for acting at times as though I am in charge of my own life. Forgive me for trusting in anyone or anything but you. Give me the wisdom to see that a rich, full, satisfying life is possible only when I look to you and wait for you.

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