
God Takes Care Of Tomorrow

God Takes Care Of Tomorrow

Your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Matthew 6:32-34

Listen to Claire. See if her words (and worries) sound familiar:


“I don’t know what to do. My car needs work and my daughter really needs braces. But we’re already just barely living paycheck to paycheck. I guess I could get a second job—maybe as a sales clerk at the mall on weekends? I don’t know. I just know I’m waking up—wide awake—every morning at, like, four. And I can’t seem to go back to sleep.”

If it’s not financial worries for you, it may be concerns of another kind. Jesus’ promise? God sees. He knows. He cares. And, best of all, he comes to the aid of those who live for him.

Instead of panicking or fretting, instead of “pre-living” a dark future that may never come, roll your burdens onto the one who cares for you

• I know all your needs.

• I will meet all your daily needs as you live for me.

O God, you know all of my needs. I praise you for knowing all things, including every detail of my situation. Nothing surprises you—ever. Thank you for caring so much and being so good. Help me to seek you first, to trust your gracious promise and to keep from worrying about the future.

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