
God Has Given You All You Need

God Has Given You All You Need

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3

When life gets chaotic, we are prone to daydream: “If only I could stop the clock for two weeks, I could catch up.” “If only I could win a million bucks, my life would be simplified.” “If only I …”


If only. If only.

In stressful times, whether self-induced or externally imposed, we are quick to look for relief through physical or material means. This is unfortunate since what we really need most in hard times are immaterial realities like peace, patience, joy, endurance, inner strength, faithfulness and humility.

The good news is that all those priceless qualities are available to us now—in limitless quantities. The lesson? We are to stop wishing for superficial things that don’t really help and start taking advantage of the spiritual blessings that can and will make a real difference in our lives.

• I am the God who blesses.

• I have already prospered you with every spiritual blessing that you need to live in a fallen world.

O God, I praise you! You are the God who blesses. How easy it is to forget that you are the source of every good thing and that you yourself are good. Your goodness to me is not because of any goodness on my part. It is all because of Christ, all because of grace.

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