
God Will Use You To Help Others Know Him

God Will Use You To Help Others Know Him

Thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Corinthians 2:14

The urgent and unceasing demands of a busy life have a way of altering our perspective. We can feel defeated and discouraged. We can begin to lose sight of what matters most in life.


Today’s promise uses imagery from ancient Roman victory processions. Typically, a conquering general would return to the capital city with his captives in tow. The smell of incense and crushed flowers would fill the air.

The apostle Paul is saying that in the ultimate victory celebration, Christ is at the head of the parade. He has captured us with his kindness and now leads us in triumph. He wants to use us to fill the world with the sweet smell of his love.

Is that your focus today?

• I have captured you.

• I lead you in victory.

• I use you to spread the Good News.

You have captured my heart with your love, Lord. Thank you for changing my life by giving me life. You are the victor in the great spiritual conflict of the ages. You deserve all praise and honor and glory. Help me open my mouth and speak powerfully and effectively for you.

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