


Holy One of God


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Holy One of God

Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you going to leave, too?” Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life. We believe them, and we know you are the Holy One of God.” John 6:67-69


In John 6, Jesus was teaching a truth that was difficult for the people to accept. Some of those who were considered followers turned away from him because of this teaching. When Jesus asked the Twelve if they were going to leave too, Peter answered, “Lord, to whom would we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life.” Peter realized that even though the teaching was difficult, only the words of Christ could give eternal life.

The twelve disciples had a decision to make, and so do we. The Bible presents the truth, and sometimes the truth is hard to understand or accept. The world gives us many options that may seem easier to understand or more pleasant to hear. These options may make it tempting to “leave” rather that to continue on the narrow path. The world is like a magnet that is constantly drawing us to a dead-end road. But we can choose, just as Peter did, to realize that the truth lies in Jesus and that no matter how difficult that truth may appear, he alone has “the words that give eternal life.”

FATHER, no matter how difficult the words of the Bible seem to be, help me to make decisions that are in accordance with your Word. Help me, Holy Spirit, to understand how your Word applies to every aspect of my life so that I will not be tempted to turn away as others have done. Remind me daily that you alone have the words that give eternal life.

Let the Bible fill the memory, rule the heart and guide the feet. —
Henrietta Mears (1890–1963)

The One Year Bible Readings for today are: 1 Samuel 10:1–11:15; John 6:43-71; Psalm 107:1-43 and Proverbs 15:1-3.

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